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Evaluation Services

At The LEAP Clinic, we specialize in providing comprehensive evaluations tailored to each child's unique needs. Our evaluations can provide diagnostic clarification, but most importantly, they can help families understand their child's unique patterns of strengths and needs as they relate to social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development. We specialize in assessments for neurodevelopmental disorders including intellectual disabilities, autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and learning disorders. These evaluations can also assess other emotional and behavioral challenges, to help families understand their child's whole development and create strategies to support their growth and well-being.


Because each evaluation is tailored to your child's needs, a range of fees is provided below for different types of evaluations. We provide a free 15-minute consultation call to help each family understand what type of testing will best meet their family's needs.

Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation is one of the most commonly requested types of assessment, as it helps families get a deeper and more complete understanding of their child's strengths and challenges. Geared towards school-aged children and adolescents, this evaluation allows parents to understand what domains may be negatively impacting academic, social, or emotional functioning. Areas assessed may include attention, learning, and emotional/behavioral disorders. Assessments may include:


  • Intelligence testing

  • Assessment of adaptive skills

  • Achievement testing in all academic areas

  • Testing of necessary neuropsychological processing areas such as processing speed, visual motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, auditory processing skills, phonological processing skills, attention/concentration skills, memory

  • Behavioral/emotional/social assessment as needed

  • Feedback appointment(s) to explain the results of testing

  • Comprehensive written report with suggested interventions



- For children 6 & older: $3000


ADHD Evaluation

For some families, completing an evaluation for a formal diagnosis of ADHD is beneficial. This assessment, geared towards school-aged children, may include:


  • Comprehensive intelligence testing

  • Assessment of adaptive/daily living skills

  • Parent and teacher measures for emotional and behavioral functioning

  • Computerized attention assessment

  • Assessment of attention and executive functioning skills

  • Feedback appointment(s) to explain the results of testing

  • Brief written report including suggestions for intervention



- For children 6 & older: $2000

Developmental/Behavioral Evaluation

This type of evaluation, geared toward preschool aged children, is most appropriate when there are behavioral concerns or concerns related to neurodevelopmental disorders including autism, developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, or other difficulties that may be associated with a genetic disorder. This evaluation may include:


  • Intelligence testing

  • Assessment of adaptive/daily living skills

  • Assessment of verbal and nonverbal communication skills

  • Behavioral and social skills assessment

  • Parent and teacher measures for emotional and behavioral functioning

  • Play or school observation when appropriate

  • Feedback appointment(s) to explain the results of testing

  • Comprehensive written report with suggested interventions



- For children 5 & younger: $1500

Dyslexia Evaluation

Often parents may have concerns related to their child’s abilities related to reading. While schools may be able to provide testing related to academic achievement, there are many times when there are academic concerns that are not able to be adequately addressed through school testing. For these situations, private testing may be beneficial for children. This assessment may include:


  • Comprehensive intelligence testing

  • Achievement testing in the following domains: basic reading, reading comprehension, reading fluency, spelling, and phonological processing

  • Feedback appointment(s) to explain the results of testing

  • Brief written report with suggestions for intervention



- For children 6 & older: $2000

Autism Evaluation

This evaluation, geared toward school-aged children and adolescents, is appropriate for seeking a formal diagnosis of autism. This evaluation may include:


  • Intelligence testing

  • Assessment of adaptive/daily living skills

  • Assessment of verbal and nonverbal communication skills

  • Behavioral and social skills assessment

  • Parent and teacher measures for emotional and behavioral functioning

  • Feedback appointment(s) to explain the results of testing

  • Comprehensive written report with suggested interventions



- For children 6 & older: $2000 

Intellectual Evaluation Only

Some families are interested in learning more about their child’s intellectual abilities. This may be done to get an idea of a child’s baseline functioning before an unpredictable injury or changes in their levels of functioning due to a medical/neurological condition. Some families may also be asked to have testing completed to as part of testing into a gifted program or for entry into some private school settings. This assessment includes:


  • Comprehensive Intelligence testing

  • Brief written report


Cost: $500

We look forward to hearing from you! Give us a call for a free 15 minute consultation to answer questions about an evaluation for your child. 

716 N Bethlehem Pike Ste 203, Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002  |  Tel: 215-918-8145

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